Thursday, September 9, 2010

On your first day at school...

On your first day @ school...

So, its that time of the year bells will begin to reverberate through the air, parents will set out hunting for designer school bags, water bottles, snack boxes,raincoats - the entire paraphernalia one would associate with education.

Its going to be the second time for my son - his second year at school. its a lot different today than it was last year. Last year was all about tears,hugging,clutching,sobbing...and sleepless nights for me...

This year, i was told in no unspecific terms - "dont bother to come drop me, i use the school transport !" Infact, i had a pretty hard time, telling him as he strutted his stuff in his new mickey school bag, that school begins TOMORROW,not today ! And the argument continued to the point i thought i would have to google how it came to be that weekends are the way they are - and why cant schools have no sabbaths !

So, its a lot easier on my nerves. And i stand a proud mother seeing a confident child,eager to venture out into the world, eager to meet old friends, unafraid to make new ones, willing to learn - even if it means a bit of hurt and pain at times...
And i hope along with all of this, his education includes the things most untaught, greatly imbibed - but weaved intricately into character in these very formative and tender years...
So my child, its good to be confident and make new friends - but do not forget your old ones...
Its good to be ambitious and race ahead, but do not forget to lend a hand to the child that fell...
do not forget to say a kind word here, wipe a tear there, say thank you to your maushi...
do not join in the ridicule of another child, in the oppression of the weak, mockery of someone differently abled...
do remember to be forgiving, to let go, to rebond, to be polite - even to the ones you think do not matter...
and to share - not just your colours or your pencils, but your joys and your laughter too...
its okay child, to get into fights and brawls, but leave it there...dont let it weigh upon your heart, and thus on your future...
its okay to say no, but do it so it doesnt hurt...
its okay to say yes, but do it responsibly...
do not forget baby, that the classroom doesnt end beyond the four walls; rather, it begins there - a different education, whose teachings will matter just the same...
do not forget to keep your eyes and ears open, so you can imbibe these - tiny lessons of life...
always let the hunger of knowledge, of knowing more, learning more, burn within...for that is what keeps one alive...
and most of all, child, do not forget to be yourself - you, who are a spark, a flash of divinity, an identity by yourself...and a mother's life...
go child, happy feet,dancing eyes, have a lot to learn...

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